That is how Gracie says popsicle! She absolutly loves them. When we buy them she has to hold onto them the whole way through the store, cries when I take them away to pay and has to hold them all the way home. They are her favorite treat. She gets so excited when we buy them! When I hand them to her she says "peekle" over and over, she's so excited!
The last couple weeks we have really been saying the abc's with her and she repeats them perfect. The last couple days she will say them all by herself! Not all of them together, but 3 or 4 in a row, then she will skip a group and say another 3 or 4. When she did it for the first time, I almost cried. I couldn't beleive it! Last night I was cleaning the kitchen and she started at q and went all the way to z! She's our little smarty pants and when we tell her that she is so proud of herself and gets a cheeseball grin! We love her so much.
I have a doctors appointment today, I'm hoping to here that I'm almost ready! I only have 11 days until my due date! I'll keep you posted.