Tuesday, June 10, 2008

6 month checkup

Today Gracie had her 6 month check-up. The doctor said that she looks and sounds perfect. We already knew that though! She is in the 90th percentile for her length at 27 inches and the 97th percentile for her weight at 20.5 lbs.!

So in honor of our perfect porkchop turning 6 months here are a fews things she does and likes:

1. Blowing spit bubbles
2. Screaming (she's going to be able to compete with her cousin Adi!)
3. She tucks her hands behind her head when she sleeps and moves her head back and forth until it's comfy. (so cute)
4. Eating her toes!
5. Sits up perfect
6. Reaches for everything in sight!
7. She has 2 teeth on the bottom
8. She plays peek-a-boo
9. She loves to go for walks and look at everything, especially the leaves move on the trees.
10. She laughs and smiles all the time, she has to be the happiest baby ever!
11. She flirts and is shy with Grandpa Olgac and Uncle Engin.

And my favorite thing, is the first thing she does in the morning when she wakes up is smiles at you. Sometimes when I'm trying to wake her up in the morning and she's just a little bit awake and I say her name she will smile, even with her eyes closed. It is so sweet.

We love her so so much and can't believe she is 6 months already!

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