Monday, August 18, 2008

Marriage and a sick baby

I know it's been forever since I have posted anything. So much has happened so if this is a long blog I'm sorry! I don't even know where to start, but I'll guess I'll start with the biggest and most exciting news.....BERNIE AND I GOT MARRIED!!! We got married in Traverse City on July 13th. It was a small ceremony with family, but it was perfect. My stepmom and sisters were able to be here from Utah as well as my sister and her family from Utah also. It really meant a lot to me that they were all able to come for it. It was fun having both familes together. (pictures to come.)

Now in Gracie Girl news...

She's doing great! She has a little bit of pnuemonia right now, but it's not slowing her down. She is everywhere! She's crawling, and into everything. She is so much fun. She now has 5 teeth, soon to be 6. 4 on bottom and 2 on top. She pulls herself up and is so proud of herself when she does. She plays patty cake, peekaboo, dances (kind of, she moves her arms up and down when a song comes on). She thinks it's funny when she sneezes. One of my favorite things she does is when she's sitting in one position, to get to get to another position she pushes herself up on all fours (she looks like a little monkey!) and drops down to the other side. It's hilarious! She is such a happy baby. The first thing she does in the morning is smile when she sees you. It's so sweet. She is getting such a little personality, she's a goofball. We are constantly laughing. She's such a joy to our lives.

I am so ready for fall. I can't wait! It's my favorite season. Yesterday I bought a couple fall candles (pumpkin spice and apple spice) and lit them. They make the house smell so good. I got out my fall deco. My sister got me a couple things last year. I just love the trees changing and the crisp autumn air, the smell of autumn. We have High School football games to look forward to (Engin is playing freshman football) Gracie will be his little cheerleader. We have Gracie's 1st brithday to look forward to on November 27th, Thanksgiving day.

We have lots going on all the time and a very busy baby! Life could't be better. Married life is great, we are a very happy little family.


Olson Family said...

Oh I wish we lived in Michigan. I just love fall there, and miss everyone of course. What fall deco did I get you last year? Anyways, I miss you all so much, especially my angel Gracie. Love you lots.

Olson Family said...

Hey read your top caption. Last time I checked Little had a E on the end of it. Have a great day.

Tearz said...

I've been meaning to leave a comment and say CONGRATS!!!! Congrats on your little Gracie and your new hubby! So happy for ya girly! Can you beleive that we all are old married with children ladies now? Haahhaha- looking forward to pictures.